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Connectifi Hotspot converts your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot and allows other computers, smartphones and tablets to share your connection.
Make a connection
Connectifi Hotspot will detect the network card on your computer and automatically configure it as an access point, assigninggive you the name and password of the network. If you click “Start Hotspot”, your access point will become functional so that any nearby device can assign a password. The Client tab shows you which device is currently connected to your Hotspot.
It works exactly the wayis provided without additional input, although you can configure options such as password and (in a paid version) the network name. After customizing, you can manage connections, as well as peers and previously connected tracking devices.
To find the need
Is Connectifi really useful?Your computer must be connected via ViFi as an access point, and above all the devices have enabled sein.Venn therefore have a wireless router, it seems to be unnecessary. It’s possible that you only have a wired connection at home or want to set up a simpler managed wireless network, but for mostpeople I know that Connectifi focal point has several applications.
This means that the Connectifi HotSpot feature can be useful kannFur daily use files and folders with simple drag and drop interfaces with other users on your network.
If it’s for you
ConnectifiHotspot is easy to use and exactly what you want. I have no use for it, but if it is ideal.
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