
Downsizing 2017 download torrent

By dezembro 30, 2017 No Comments
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Downsizing 2017

This decline illustrates what could have happened if, as a solution for a pleasant population, Norwegian scientists have found a way of reducing people to five centimeters and proposing a 200-year global shift from big to small. People soon realize how much money in the small world and the promise of a better life, every man Paul Safranek (Matt Damon) and his wife Audrey (Christian Vig) decided to leave the stress of their life in Omaha to become small and move on tothe new society is diminished – the choice of life predizvikuvaavanturite transformation.

Social oaths where people are aware that he will have a better life if he has to be reduced. The “reduction” was followed by a professional therapist who underwent a new procedure to be reduced to four centimeters, so that he and his wife could help save the planet and enjoy a beautiful lifestyle at the same time.

Reduction This social oath is for a man andhis wife who realized that their life would be better if they were smaller. They decided to voluntarily reject it. Sorry, that guy, wasterin backed up at the last minute. Now, he himself joins one of the many minority communities that appear worldwide.


Translation: Active

Classification: NA

General Publication Date: January 11, 2018

Genre: comedy / drama

Duration: Not available

Distributor: United international

Actor: Matt Damon, ChristianWig, Christophe Waltz, Alec Baldwin, Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Soudeikis

Directed by: Alexander Payne

Format: 2D

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