
Truth in Television, anyone? Sanity Slippage: After Beale has

By janeiro 22, 2014 No Comments

My colleagues in environmental and ecological sciences are the most prone to despair. They see the trend lines and are deeply worried about sea level rise and species destruction. They also believe that we’ve known these facts for some time, have not solved the problem, and so the proper response for the ethical and responsible scientist is to issue dire warnings in the clearest possible language. I have colleagues who tell me I should sell my bungalow by the ocean because it will someday be underwater and who are grateful that Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus is many feet above sea level. Well, I’m not selling my summer home and I note that Columbia’s new campus is right next to the Hudson River and has been designed for climate resiliency.

Replica Handbags Louise delivers one to Max when he tells her about his ongoing affair with Diana. She rips him to pieces over his infidelity, but makes it clear that she still loves him. Max is obviously deeply wounded by her reaction. Refuge in Audacity: Seemingly the entire raison d’etre of UBS’ programming under Diana Christensen. Resignations Not Accepted: Howard tries to quit his job more than once, but he’s not allowed to for various reasons. Until the network decides to kill him. Running Gag: The scene in Diana’s office where they’re reading submitted pitches for television shows. You’ll lose count of the times that characters are said to be either “brilliant”, “beautiful” and “crusty but benign”. Truth in Television, anyone? Sanity Slippage: After Beale has a nervous breakdown on live television, instead of getting him the help he needs, his bosses cruelly encourage it, and he eventually goes losin’ it. Scary Black Man: The Great Ahmed Khan. Subverted in that he portrays himself as a criminal mastermind, but when he appears onscreen in person he’s eating fried chicken and seems kind of dimwitted, or at least very laid back. Even during the big argument in the contract discussion, where he quietly pulls out a gun and fires into the air to shut everybody up, then calmly says “Give her the fucking overhead clause. Let’s get to page twenty two, 5(a), subsidiary rights.” Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: Because the network is buying film from a terrorist group of them robbing banks, the government is threatening to indict the network for conspiracy to commit crimes. Diana isn’t worried, their lawyer will argue every possible defense including the First Amendment, right to protect sources, and even if they lose it will take years to wind through the courts. Screwed by the Network: In universe, the executives have Beale killed due to his show’s declining ratings. Beale. Replica Handbags

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